I admit it. I’m proud of the quality of content that’s coming out weekly via my Video Mojo WebShow™. It’s now much more than a video blog & podcast: It’s a fully-produced live, weekly webcast & formatted 1/2-hour program with awesome guests.
This week’s episode, recorded live last Friday, powerfully illuminates why storytelling is so much more than a “buzzword du jour.” If you understand the power of story, you can create a more engaging and vibrant social media and video presence.
To do that, you have to go beyond storytelling as a formula. Done well, story can open doors to whole other levels of engagement. And, it can help you find your way through the “uncharted times” that we are all living through, while revealing a path to more meaningful media.
If you’re ready to use story as a wayfinding tool (or at least ready to discover what that means), don’t miss this third “Collaborative Conversation” between myself and storytelling expert, Michael Kass.
In addition this “Collaborative Conversation,” every Video Mojo episode includes a quick commentary called “Tee It Up” and “Luscious Links” resource recommendations, as shown below.
Please join us and/or post a review or comment. It REALLY helps Video Mojo to be more visible when you like, review, or comment. All of the links are here: https://play.combridges.com/links
https://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/ComBridges-Blog-3-1.png300640JonLelandhttps://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ComBridges-Logo-300x60-300x60.jpgJonLeland2020-10-21 18:31:432020-10-21 18:31:46Storytelling as Wayfinding During Uncharted Times: New Video Mojo with Michael Kass
I’m really pleased to share what I think is our most practical Video Mojo episode ever! Michael Kass and I did a quick 17-minute overview of the Technology Tools necessary for producing your own social video posts, whether via Zoom, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or whatever.
This is the second in a series Video Mojo episodes on how to create a Vibrant Video Presence. Each of these 3 special episodes is a collaborative conversation with special guest, master of storytelling, coach, & consultant, Michael Kass. I highly recommend this video clip for anyone who may feel challenged by video technologies (and who isn’t?) You could think of it as a welcoming “video helping hand.” 🙂 Click the video below to watch & learn now.
About Video Mojo
Video Mojo is a video blog and podcast hosted by award-winning media innovator, Jon Leland of https://www.combridges.com. It combines timeless marketing principles with a playful exploration of the “bleeding edge” of digital video & social media.
Resource Links:
Previous “3 Pillars of a Vibrant Video Presence” episode #1, Humanity, or how to be more engaging through being more yourself. Don’t miss these actionable insights, plus very special guest appearance examples from Lynne Twist and Andrea J. Lee: https://www.combridges.com/build-a-vibrant-video-presence-pillar-one/
https://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Pillar-2_-TECHNOLOGY-640-x-300.png300640JonLelandhttps://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ComBridges-Logo-300x60-300x60.jpgJonLeland2020-09-17 16:28:412020-09-17 16:28:44The Tech Tools of a Vibrant Video Presence, Pillar #2 – Collaborative Conversation with Michael Kass
I’m totally psyched to share a new kind of Video Mojo episode!
Although it’s rarely discussed, “video presence” is a very real thing and worth cultivating. This collaborative conversation with the amazing Michael Kass not only models of what video presence means, but it also includes wonderful “special guest appearances” from the inspirational author and speaker, Lynne Twist, and master coach and author, Andrea J. Lee.
Click the video above to watch this Video Mojo episode.
If you aspire to make the most of online video including posting videos to social media networks like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, this episode may be especially important to you.
About Video Mojo Video Mojo is a video blog and podcast hosted by award-winning media innovator, Jon Leland. It combines timeless marketing principles with a playful exploration of the “bleeding edge” of digital video & social media.
Resource Links from this episode:
Previous Video Conversations between Michael Kass & Jon Leland:
https://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Pillar-1_-Humanity-640-x-300.png300640JonLelandhttps://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ComBridges-Logo-300x60-300x60.jpgJonLeland2020-06-02 02:22:202020-08-06 02:23:44How Your Humanity Can Build a Vibrant Video Presence: Vlog Series with Michael Kass
Is there such a thing as a “North Star” guidance system for your digital marketing?You bet there is.
And, it’s not a tip, trick or “recipe for success.” It’s WAY more valuable than that.
For me, connecting with what I call “the real Internet” is “the one in front of all the zeros.” It’s that important because it gives everything else meaning.
Click above to watch this week’s Video Mojo video blog & podcast episode.
Please watch and let me know if you agree. OK?
About Video Mojo
Video Mojo is a weekly video blog and podcast hosted by award-winning media innovator, Jon Leland. It combines timeless marketing principles with a playful exploration on the “bleeding edge” of digital video & social media.
I’d love to hear what works for you and if you find this program useful. If you’ve got questions, feedback or suggestions, please comment below, or let’s connect (and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever):
Digital Marketing Guidance: Better Choices Make a Better Business – This Changes Everything!
Hi and welcome to Video Mojo!
My name is Jon Leland and this is a video blog and podcast that combines timeless marketing principles with the bleeding edge of marketing and video communications.
Today I am talking about something that can change everything! It’s the choices that we make in our business and really some of the fundamental choices that are like the north star that guides everything. You know, there are these “whys” and these passions, and when you have the discipline to take the time to listen for those they do make better business choices. It’s not just about money but about quality of life, quality of relationships and doing marketing and communications that are meaningful.
I started listening on Audible to the new James Taylor fragment of autobiography. It’s his first 21 years he calls it “Break Shot”. He opens that audio program with this quote.
“Perhaps art happens when the usual channels are not available and you have to find a new path forward. Sometimes in describing that new pathway, we open a door that is useful to other people too.”
That’s kind of why I’m here. Because I’m opening doors for myself and exploring:
What do I want to say in this video blog?
How can I contribute?
Who are my tribe?
Where’s my community?
What I’ve remembered is that the internet is this multi-faceted thing. We all know that there are spammers and trolls out there and there are get rich quick marketing people. I do highly recommend that you avoid these, in particular, get rich quick ideas. “Here’s the formula, here’s the recipe, if you just follow this three-step process you’re guaranteed to make six figures.” I don’t think that’s how it works and I also don’t think that’s a north star.
I’ve really learned over the years that it’s not about the money, I like earning a living there’s nothing wrong with money, but I’ve found that there is a better internet and the better internet is based on real people who are doing authentic things.
I’m reminded of this story when I was on a video shoot in India. We were in an airport in a small city in India and it was kind of this relatively modern concrete impersonal dry cold kind of building, like airports tend to be. We were waiting for a delayed plane and one of the locals invited me to go for chai tea at a local chai walla – a local chai stand. We walked out of the airport around a corner and before we knew it we were with the local people in a local chai shop. It was warm and friendly and colorful like most of India, very much not like the airport. I said to myself, “Oh, this is the real India. Now we’re in the real India”.
I had a similar experience recently. I had a conversation with a marketer, the head of Marketing Showrunners, Jay Acunzo. And this conversation lit up my heart. He’s an authentic guy who I really think is about making a difference. Someone who is saying some very direct things about how we build real community. In this conversation, I went “Oh, this is the real internet! I remember there are people out here like that.”.
So that’s my invitation to you this week. Find your north star. Find real people, make real connections, build authentic relationships. There is a real internet out here and if you do that, it changes everything. You’ll make better choices that will give you a better life, better communities, and a more satisfying business.
So let me know what you think I really appreciate your kind attention and I do look forward to your feedback comments and suggestions.
Thanks again for watching. See you next week!
https://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Better-Choices-640-x-300_1.png300640JonLelandhttps://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ComBridges-Logo-300x60-300x60.jpgJonLeland2020-02-27 16:32:132020-03-12 20:35:17Digital Marketing Guidance: Better Choices Make a Better Business – This Changes Everything!
Social media networks are a whole new kind of communication opportunity; but too many people and organizations are either confused, over-whelmed or just “don’t get it.”
In only four minutes, this episode of Video Mojo describes and illustrates three types of social media posts that have no advertising expense required. Each type of post is used by my company, ComBridges, in order to help our clients and ourselves. By using all three types of posts, we more present on social media; and, we “lead with value” to build authentic, sustainable long-term relationships. Please check it out and let me know what you think:
Click above to watch this week’s Video Mojo video blog & podcast episode.
About Video Mojo Video Mojo is a weekly video blog and podcast hosted by award-winning media innovator, Jon Leland. It combines timeless marketing principles with a playful exploration on the “bleeding edge” of digital video & social media.
3 Types of Ad-Free Social Media Engagement: The Building Blocks of a More Attractive Online Presence
Hi and welcome! My name is Jon Leland and this is Video Mojo.
Video Mojo is both a video blog and a podcast that combines timeless marketing principles with a playful exploration of, what I call, the “bleeding edge” of both digital video and social media.
Today we’re going to dig into social media a little bit.
There are 3 types of ad-free social media posts. They’re kind of the online building blocks of a vibrant authentic social media presence. They exist within, what I would call, the social media ecosystem. I’m not going to get into social media content marketing campaigns today, which are really kind of fundamental. With whatever we do in social media we want to lead with value. We always want to contribute and make a difference before we ask for a sale. Relationships are built over time through multiple touches so you want to show up in the marketplace as a valuable contributor. What this post is about is the 3 types of social media posts. Once you have done your content marketing and developed your own original and valuable content there are other things that you can do, the building blocks, that will help you stay present and build relationships. I’ve broken that down into 3 distinct types of social media posts.
Type 1:
Social media posts type 1 are original visual designsthat are linked to your own content. We see those all the time as quote graphics or quote memes. They come out of our own content or creations. We develop original graphics so that they reflect the brand of our client as well as the message of our client and they’re our core value messages. They may reflect values literally or they may reflect the communication mission, if you will, of what that clients work is about and what their niche is about.
Type 2:
The second type of posts are content curation posts. Next week I think I’m going to get into a tool to help enable content creation. But within the niche, again following the same focus, there are other contributors. There are other people publishing valuable content. So for example, my client The Soul of Money Institute likes gratefulness.org. They are very aligned with their values and so we might repost a blog post from that site.
Type 3:
The third type of social media posts are retweets or repost, usually on Instagram or Twitter, where you are using other posts or other kinds of content that are being posted and are relevant to what you’re doing. A good example of this in our business is we represent the Marin Airporter, the local airport bus service. People will post pictures of their experience with Marin Airporter and their joy of travel using #MarinAirporter.
And then finally, not really a kind of post but, is being involved and monitoring what is going on and responding to comments. I call it conversational engagement. It is a really important piece of the service. If you are going to have a social media presence you certainly want to be responsive and engaged with the people that are liking, retweeting, commenting, and answering questions.
I’m always looking for your feedback, because I would love to do more of the kind of posts that you want to hear. So please let me know. And again, I am very very grateful for your presence.
Thank you so much for watching or listening and I’ll see you next week!
https://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/649027_VideoMojoThumbnai-Blog-Feautured-Image23_021120.png300640JonLelandhttps://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ComBridges-Logo-300x60-300x60.jpgJonLeland2020-02-14 17:05:332021-12-18 23:55:313 Types of Ad-Free Social Media Engagement: The Building Blocks of a More Attractive Online Presence
Are you looking to up your video communication skills?
Whether you are using video for marketing, to share software tips with those you work with, or to share valuable information via social media, you have choices to make in order to find “the right (video) tool for the job.”
I’ve got recommendations! The episode of Video Mojo (video below) will help you by offering a quick overview of four video software tools that I have used to create casual, but informative videos, especially for clients and colleagues.
Click above to watch this week’s Video Mojo video blog & podcast episode.
The first three apps are particularly useful if you need or want to share your screen, including if that screen is sharing a presentation. The fourth video software tool is particularly useful when you want to make a more powerful video connection via email. Links to all four video apps are below (FYI, none are affiliate links.)
About Video Mojo
Video Mojo is a weekly video blog and podcast hosted by award-winning media innovator, Jon Leland. It combines timeless marketing principles with a playful exploration on the “bleeding edge” of digital video & marketing.
I’d love to hear what works for you and if you find this program useful. If you’ve got questions, feedback or suggestions, please comment below, or let’s connect (and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever):
Improve Your Video Connections with These 4 Recommended Video Software Tools
Hi and welcome!
My name is Jon Leland and I’m a digital marketing strategist and the host of Video Mojo, a weekly video blog, and podcast that connects timeless marketing principles with the bleeding edge of video communications, technology, and marketing.
So today we are going to talk about four applications that can really help you get more fluent in the language of video and increase the power of the connections that you make via video. As you may have heard from other episodes of this video blog and podcast I’m a big advocate of the practice of video. I am passionate about learning by doing and experimenting, but most of all getting yourself out there so you develop the video muscle. These are four applications that can help you do just that in order to make better connections with the people that you are working with or that you want to influence.
I will include all of the links for the applications that I’m talking about and some other resources throughout the description.
The first application is called Loom. Loom is very popular because of its simplicity and also because of its free level robust application. It operates both as a Chrome plug-in and as a desktop application. I’ve only used it as the Chrome plug-in because I find it really convenient. When you use Loom the limitation is that you do not have many customization options. Your talking head video will be a small circle in the lower-left corner. You then will be able to share your screen and show people what it is that you want to communicate about. We use it frequently and I’ve seen it used to explain things that are going on within software or websites. It’s very powerful and relatively easy to use.
A step up from that is Snagit, which is a kind of a Swiss Army knife of video tools. It has both the ability to do still frame captures as well as various forms of video interaction. It introduces the sophistication of being able to switch back and forth between a screen share and the full live-action video talking head. I got turned on to Snagit by Steve Dotto of Dottotech. He is a resource that I recommend and I’ll also include a link to his video review of Snagit for a lot more detail. Snagit is a paid application. It is a one-time fee of about $50 unless you get some kind of discount. It will give you a more sophisticated ability to produce videos where you’re switching back and forth while recording but NOT in post-production.
Wistia’s Soapbox
I really like the third tool, Wistia’s Soapbox. Wistia is a video hosting application that I do recommend to get away from the YouTube noise that happens when you host videos on YouTube. For example, on my landing pages for the video launchpad, I have embedded videos that will not recommend other YouTube videos by using the Wistia platform. Soapbox is an application that Wistia has developed and is also accessible by a Chrome plug-in. It has a really clever post-production editing interface. You record once and then in this editing interface you have the ability to switch between the live talking head and the screen share as well as a third view which is one-third talking head in two-thirds screen share. So if you’re doing “mini-tutorials” soapbox is a pretty cool application that will enable you to produce a kind of presentation that looks like you’ve used much more fancy editing software that has a nice combination of the live talking head human presence and the screen sharing.
Then if you want to move up to the next level BombBomb is a really cool application, particularly if you’re doing a lot of email outreach and you want to move to a more sophisticated level. For example, if you are a real estate marketer that wants to stand out above the crowd in how they communicate with their prospective customers, BombBomb integrates with email like nothing else that I’ve seen. The way that they do that is when you record a BombBomb video for somebody the first two seconds is an animated GIF that can be embedded into an email. In fact, they have a whole email integration for outbound marketing. That means the learning curve is higher and the cost is definitely higher as it’s a professional application. But it will give you the ability to communicate via email and really make personal messages that can attract and engage in a very powerful way.
So there’s a quick overview of four tools that you can use to increase your video muscle. You know, it’s a practice. It takes determination and perseverance to stay with it. Each one has a learning curve starting with something like Loom (it’s simpler), and walking up the ladder to something like BombBomb (it’s much more complex). Whatever you do I really encourage you to get out there, make yourself more visible, and do the kind of engagement that these kinds of video tools enable.
Thanks again for your kind attention. I really do appreciate you being here and I’ll see you next week!
https://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/638522_Resize-Week-22-attached-thumbnail-for-Blog-Featured-Image_v1-012920.png300640JonLelandhttps://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ComBridges-Logo-300x60-300x60.jpgJonLeland2020-02-10 17:35:092020-03-12 20:36:52Improve Your Video Connections with These 4 Recommended Video Software Tools
I’m guessing that you want to work smarter, not harder. That’s why I ask: What does it take to put a solid foundation under your content marketing?
If you’re someone who hates manipulative selling in marketing as much as I do, then I’ll also ask: Can online marketing really be done with authenticity and humanity?
And, because I know we all want real results, you might want to know: What’s the biggest “low hanging fruit” or missed opportunity in online marketing?
This week’s Video Mojo video blog & podcast episode.
These key questions are answered in this 4-minute video blog post/podcast. It offers three fundamental “guiding light” principles that will ensure that your social media, video and other forms of content marketing make real human connections, the kinds of connections that lead to authentic and sustainable business relationships.
About Video Mojo Video Mojo is an (almost) weekly video blog (vlog) and podcast hosted by award-winning media innovator, Jon Leland (that’s me!). Video Mojo combines timeless marketing principles with a playful exploration of the “bleeding edge” of video & marketing communications tips, tools and techniques.
Resource Link, recommended content mentioned in this episode: The book, “How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy” by Jenny Odell http://www.jennyodell.com/writing.html
The Video Launch Pad If you’re interested in getting going with video for social media and podcasting, I’ve crafted an exclusive offer that’s fun as well as a real breakthrough opportunity for the right people. This page offers a short video introduction. Click here to find out more.
I’d love to hear what works for you and what you find useful. If you’ve got questions, feedback or suggestions, please comment below, or let’s connect (and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever):
3 “Guiding Light” Principles for Better Digital Engagement in 2020
Hi there and Welcome to Video Mojo. My name is Jon Leland and I’m a media innovator with about five decades of experience.
Video Mojo is my weekly video blog and podcast where we combine timeless marketing principles with state of the art, we could say bleeding edge, video and marketing communications tools, tips, and techniques.
Today we’re going to talk about three guiding principles, fundamental important marketing trends that will help you develop better digital engagement in 2020.
1 – Learn Video as a Language
The first guiding light principle is Learn Video as a Language. Video is so much more than most people think of it. You know they think, we’re gonna do one explainer video or one corporate introduction video and it’s a one-and-done philosophy. Video has become really a language, a visual language, that can involve day to day things like emails and explaining a particular how-to to a client all the way through ongoing social media video blogs like these. So use video more and the thing about video is that it’s a practice. It’s not a one-and-done thing. It’s something that you develop and learn to speak and learn to play with and you can only do that through experimentation. So that’s what I’m inviting you to do is to learn video, use video, play with video, experiment with video, and I guarantee you that will give you better engagement online in the year to come.
2 – Double Down on Being Human
The second guiding light principle that I’d like to share with you today is Double Down on Being Human. I’m reading a wonderful book called How to Do Nothing Resisting the Attention Economy by Jenny Odell. It really is a wonderful read. I was inspired right from the get-go in her introduction when she quotes Jaron Lanier saying “double down on being human”. That’s a commitment that I’m making and I’m doing it for a number of reasons. Mostly because it feels better and it feels right. But the other thing is that that’s how we develop a real connection, Its authenticity and being yourself that helps you create, not just a real connection with people but a sustainable connection.
3 – Business is about Relationships: Nurture the Ones You Have
And that leads to the third principle, businesses are about relationships. I want to debunk the big buzz in marketing of “lead capture”. That’s not how you create a relationship, by “capturing”. A relationship really takes multiple touches and more of an ongoing process. Where I think there’s the biggest missed opportunity that I see over and over again is not nurturing the leads that you already have. It’s not about “lead capture”, it’s about leadnurturing! Most of us have relationships already that we are not taking advantage of. Who are the people, for example, who actually open and click on links that you send out in your emails? Those are people that are already engaged. Are you nurturing those leads and developing them?
So I hope that’s helpful. I would love to hear more from you. I love your feedback and I love the comments and I love hearing what works for you and what doesn’t. Of course, it helps us if you would like to comment and subscribe and all those things whether it’s YouTube or on Apple podcast Spotify or what-have-you. I’m really really honored by your kind attention – thanks so much for watching and we’ll see you next week!
https://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/624182_VideoThumbnailForVlog19_640x300_011320.png300640JonLelandhttps://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ComBridges-Logo-300x60-300x60.jpgJonLeland2020-01-16 23:05:002021-12-18 23:54:433 “Guiding Light” Principles for Better Digital Engagement in 2020
Blessings on your Holidays and wishing you vibrant good health, chuckles of happiness and easeful prosperity in the New Year.
Setting yourself up to achieve your 2020 goals sounds simple… and it is!
But, doing what you want to do does require taking some simple action steps. And, you have to take them! ???? Some essential elements of embracing your goals are illuminated in this week’s Video Mojo:
This Weeks Power Briefing, How to Achieve Your 2020 Content Marketing Goals + Recommended Resources
In the world of content marketing, there are also strategic steps that you can take to get where you want to go. One of those steps, finding my “content tilt,” is at the top of my list of 2020 goals. I’m learning a lot from the book, “Content Inc.” as you will see.
The resources that are offered in this video (links below) can also help point you and your online presence in a more productive direction as well.
I am wishing you all the Happiest and Healthiest New Year Ever!
How to Achieve Your 2020 Content Marketing Goals + Recommended Resources Help You Get There
Hi and welcome to another episode of Video Mojo. My name is Jon Leland and I’m your guide on this exploration of both timeless marketing communication principles and up-to-the-minute resources, tools, tips, and that kind of thing.
Today we are taking on goal setting and how to achieve your goals for 2020 and the year to come.
Recommended Resource: Joe Pullizzi’s book, “Content Inc.”
I want to start with a couple of resources. One is Joe Pullizzi and the Content Marketing Institute and, in particular, his book Content Inc. It’s a classic. It’s been around for a couple of years. I’ve been following Joe and his “partner-in-crime,” Robert Rose, on their podcast called This Old Marketing. And that is also a recommended resource. They are two of the most intelligent, resourceful, strategic people in the whole world of content marketing. Joe’s book, Content Inc. is particularly powerful because of its model and its model has inspired one of my goals for 2020. I’ll get into that in a minute.
A Fundamental Action Step: Write Down Your Goals on Paper
The first tip, in his book which is about content marketing and a strategy… he has a whole methodology for it. Pulizzi starts out talking about goals. I really appreciated the down-to-earth practicality of it and he says two things that I think are crucial for anyone to achieve their goals next year or whenever.
The first one is very basic but very few people do it: Write Your Goals Down. It’s really important to write them down. I will also share another resource which is called Bullet Journaling. Not everybody knows about Bullet Journaling. This is my bullet journal and pen right here. It’s something that I’ve used extensively.
The tactile experience of writing to-do lists, of writing a goal, of writing a plan has really had a profound effect. It’s been really good for me to get away from the screen, and to be present to that.
And that is one of the, everybody agrees, main thing with goals. I know a lot of people are afraid to set goals. I’ve personally experienced the vulnerability of “God, if I write this down and I set this goal, what happens if I don’t achieve it?” The worst thing that can happen is you had a vision and a goal and you didn’t achieve it. It’s not the end of the world and we could do a whole podcast about failures and how everybody, including the most successful people in the world, has had their share of failures. So it’s really not a horrible outcome but we all have our fears.
Some people resist goals, they’re afraid to write goals. Don’t be afraid and write them down.
Fundamental Action Step #2: Look at Your Goals Daily
The second thing that Joe points out, which I think is even more challenging, is to look at those goals every day. So I’m reinforcing that and also offering the resource.
Then in my own spirit of vulnerability, in the adventure, I want to share that the second part of Joe’s strategy about content marketing really hooked me in. He talks about how important it is to have a “sweet spot” that overlaps your passion and your skill set. Then, the second phase of the content in Content Marketing Model is called “Content Tilt” and that is where you get your unique voice.
You’ve picked a niche, you’ve found where the overlap is between your passion and your skill set. But then, what’s unique about you and your voice? And that’s something that I’ve really been exploring for myself and that’s one of my goals for 2020. I’ve made progress on this.
A friend of mine helped me see just this morning that a lot of what I do is Timeless Marketing Communications Wisdom. For decades I’ve been doing marketing communications, in video before digital media. And the principles that apply in terms of relationship building, authenticity, having a real message, that’s the kind of thing that I’m very committed to.
I also am – a friend of mine calls me – the “Google of Marketing Technology.” I test out, experiment with, play with, all kinds of marketing tools from software, to digital strategies, to social media, to, as I hope you know by now, online video in particular.
So next week I’ll get into some online marketing technologies but that’s my second goal—to really do more. This year has been a big breakthrough for me because I’ve started this video blog. Next year I want to really bring these tools to bear with more consistent video communications for all of my friends, relationships and in particular clients and prospective clients.
Bonus Fundamental Tip #3: Share Your Goals
So what are your goals for 2020? A third technique that I can recommend, call this the “bonus,” but this is where some real juice can come into it, is to share your goals. You can share it with another person. I certainly recommend you choose one of the people who you find really supportive in your life because your goals can get trampled upon by somebody who’s a “Doubting Thomas,” as they say.
So another way to do that would be to share it with us. You can put it in the comments on the podcast, the comments on the YouTube video, or the comments on any social media where I post these video blog posts and podcasts. I’d love to hear from you; but there’s something in it for you, if you share your goals publicly and with other people. Again, be careful and if you don’t feel that’s appropriate no problem.
But if you’d like to share your goals for 2020 I would love to hear them and see what I could do to support them. I’m always so grateful for your time and attention and I really look forward to your comments suggestions and feedback.
Thanks again for being here. Happy Holidays! And I’ll see you next week!
https://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/613305_Resize-Week-18-Blog-Featured-Image_2_122019.png300640JonLelandhttps://www.combridges.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ComBridges-Logo-300x60-300x60.jpgJonLeland2019-12-23 21:31:222020-02-27 23:06:39How to Achieve Your 2020 Content Marketing Goals + Recommended Resources Help You Get There