Steve Jobs & Bill Gates Together, The Complete Coverage

I don’t think there are two better visionaries on the planet (of course, I’m partial to Steve Jobs), and while their joint appearance with Wall Street Journal’s Walt Mossberg was covered in the news, I just discovered the complete coverage including transcripts and video clips (an edit of video excerpts is included below). Good stuff!

Special thanks to Dr. Mac, Bob LeVitus for this link via his most-excellent Mac e-newsletter. You can subscribe here:

Here’s the video highlight reel:

Windows on the Mac Making Moves Toward Totally Transparent Integration

ParallelsMacs with Intel chips have been progressing toward total two-platform (Windows and Mac OS) integration on one desktop. Unfortunately, Apple’s BootCamp requires you to reboot.

Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac is just released and offers significant new features that really seem to enable a legitimate, simultaneous two-platform environment. Way cool! Now I just need to time to buy and install Windows XP on my Intel Mac and then to get Parallels going. As I like to say, “Time, not space, is the final frontier.” 😉

Anyway, The NYTimes’ David Pogue has written a pretty definitive review of the new version of Parallels Desktop for Mac including tests using powerful Windows voice recognition software. Bottom line, use Windows XP, not Vista!

What We Call the News: “Only the Truth is Funny”

Happy Monday. I’m on the run, but (as some of you know) what I think matters most about all this new media revolutionary… internet, digital video, and other technologies that are associated with the potential democratization of media (and so forth) is that all of this new media offers an alternative to the media circus that has largely replaced honest and informative journalism in our mainstream media. Thus, my enthusiasm and salute to the Jib-Jabbers who created the following bit of parody and spot-on comedic commentary. Enjoy.

Or, you may view “What We Call the News” at

New Apple TV Ad

Business 2.0 has a new “get-a-Mac” Apple TV ad before it’s release on a day when Apple stock reached new heights, pre-iPhone’s release (for which surveys are showing a strong demand). Seems it’s a mad, mad new Apple world where the superior platform is even gaining market share.

Skype Video Call Gives Me a New Taste of the Global Village

I know this is nothing new, but the experience is somehow different, especially when it happens to you unexpectedly. Here’s what happened…

I have a prospective consulting client in the UK. We’ve had a couple of phone calls and numerous emails. I was away on vacation last week and we planned to talk yesterday to catch up and finalize details. She suggested we use Skype. Truthfully, I’ve used Gizmo Project for internet phone calls. For a while, I used it quite a bit, but not lately. I had downloaded Skype for Mac just in case while a client was overseas, but hadn’t really used it.

I scrambled… First, upon plugging in my USB headset, I found that it was recognized right away. I was able to confirm this quickly with a nifty test call feature that was built right into my “buddies” list. Then, unexpectedly, the prospective client suggested we might do video; and before I knew it, I could see her!

I have a MacBook Pro with a build-in webcam. I opened Skype’s preferences and told it to automatically activate the camera. She called back and presto, we were in a face-to-face meeting. Just like that, my first transcontinental video conference call. Very much like being in a meeting, but without the travel time.

I was impressed with Skype’s ease of use, neatly supported by the Mac’s ease of use and the fact that Skype supports the Mac. It’s easy to see why Skype is the clear leader in VoIP calling.

And, despite writing about this stuff for years (and even consulting with VDOnet years ago when they had one of the first webcam networks), I was struck by the immediate reality of our global village. It reached out and touched me in a concrete way, and gratefully in a way that may well benefit my bottom line.

It’s a treat when all this stuff we write and think about comes up to you and gives you a nice warm fuzzy nudge. 😉

Cool Convergence & Browsing Bonus: Great TechCrunch-NetVibes Mashup

For your browsing pleasure…

In announcing the new NetVibes roll-out of the ability to create public personalized pages, the marvelous Michael Arrington also offered his own personalized, customized TechCrunch NetVibes page “featuring many of my favorite news feeds and a few widgets.”

I offer this to you because it is a cool convergence. From my limited experience, NetVibes is my favorite customizable “home page;” but more importantly TechCrunch is my favorite source of information about the bleeding edge of Web 2.0. Scroll down on this TechCruch/NetVibes page to see, for example, the Alexa Widget showing TechCrunch ahead of Business Week and CNet in online viewership; or enjoy the build-in video references; and on and on.

If you’re reading this, you’ll probably find things of interest on the page. If nothing else, it’s a great demo of the plug-and-play nature of the ever-expanding Web 2.0 socially-networked Internet.


A Good Lesson in Email Subject Lines

This is a basic issue for anyone who sends out email announcements or email newsletters. It’s crucial to your “open rate” that the subject line be compelling and engaging. One useful point here that I’ve wondered about but never heard clearly defined is the 56-character space limit. Solid guidance. Dr. EBiz is generally a good resource too…

The service’s learning center also recently published a two-part series of articles on this subject.

Meanwhile, my ebook on Internet Marketing should be completed “real soon.” Stay tuned.

NYTimes Spotlights The Internet-to-Cable Comedy Incubator

I love this. More evidence of the power of putting video online. More creative freedom and opportunities for creative people. More media power to the people. More breaking up of the old guard media empires (oh yeah, they call those “disruptive technologies”), etc.

New York Times television “news” section calls its report: Online Yesterday, on Cable Today


Understanding Blogging 101

This dude, ChrisG, is getting some well-deserved viral buzz. He’s doing the blog thing well; and he’s explaining what, why and how he’s doing this blog thing well, all along the way.

I know many folks out there are scratching their heads trying to understand the whole blogosphere and viral marketing phenom. Well, Chris’ latest post, The Three Dimensions of Blogging: The Vital Combination Every Blog Must Have is as good an introductory summary, explanation and orientation as I’ve seen.

And since Chris is something of a blogging “guru” his site also offers many other resources as well. Most of all, check out how he walks his talk, the free e-book only after subscribing, etc etc.

Thanks, Chris. Great work.

Creating YouTube Video Channels, A Pro Explains His Search Engine Strategy

Toward the end of this interview on Beet.TV, Brad Inman of leading edge, yet professional internet video producer, TurnHere, gives the most credible explanation of why companies, corporations and other organizations should be creating their own YouTube channels. It’s all about search.