Podcasting update from Steve Jobs & Washington Post
Here’s are some current stats and perspective from Steve Jobs re podcasting as reported by the Washington Post.
Here’s are some current stats and perspective from Steve Jobs re podcasting as reported by the Washington Post.
I admit to being a Steve Jobs fan, so you won’t be surprised that I think he’s making (yet another) smart move by incorporating podcasts into this summer’s update to the iTunes software. Why not make his killer app more sticky? Makes sense to me. Or to quote Apple (and Pixar)’s master of promotion, in his usually under-stated manner, “Already millions of people are subscribing to these podcasts, I think this is going to send it into orbit.”
More info from SFGate.com including coverage of comments by Bill Gates & more
Viral marketing is spreading like, well, Firefox (the open source, grassroots web browsing software alternative). This trend is dramatically illustrated by these very funny Firefox videos produced by Mozilla Europe. And they are neatly complemented by this reasonably insightful commentary on viral marketing by Mark Kingdom of ClickZ Networks (even though I apparently liked the videos more than he did). I think that the point that he missed is that it helps a viral marketing message spread when that message is meant to strike out against the “evil empire” (Microsoft) rather than simply to sell random widgets. Do you agree?
At last count, we have set up about 20 Constant Contact accounts for ourselves and our clients. It’s the best, most cost effective email newsletter and opt-in user friendly email promotion application out there. We recommend it frequently and have taught even non-techie clients to use it themselves. Besides other features that I’ve described on Media Mall’s email newsletter page, they’ve just announced a bunch of new enhancements including upgraded list management features such as the abilities to segment your list by behaviors and to merge interest categories, plus easier to use one-step bounce management and the capability to import lists directly from Excel (rather than needing to export a .CSV file first). If you have the commitment to write valuable content for your constituency’s interest, I know no better way to keep visitors coming back to your web site. And, yes, there’s a free trial so that you can explore it without any cost whatsoever. Click here to learn more >>
Wireless computing is poised to expand beyond the limitations of Wi-Fi hot spots with next generation Enhanced Data GSM networking built into Sony’s new VAIO T300 ultra portables. Verizon will be next with it’s implementation of 3G. Some folks say that the immergence of a true wireless network–think computers with the reach of cell phones–will have an even bigger impact than the advent of the Internet.
In fact, if you haven’t read it, Howard Rheingold’s book, “Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution” makes quite an astounding case for the signifigance of ubiqitous wireless computing, from chips on cereal boxes to all kinds of GPS-empowered devices. The new wireless network is not something to be underestimated, in my not so humble estimation.
More info about the new VAIO and the various new wireless networks here.
Maybe following the advice, or at least the numbers, in fortune cookies isn’t such a bad idea after all. The New York Times reveals all.
If you want to learn to play better poker, I’ve got a tip or two for that too. Click here.
I always appreciate feedback, especially when it catches me making a mistake. The article, “RIM Passes PalmOne. Not True.” accurately points out that most of RIM’s lineup of PDA’s and “business phones” actually include phones. However, the Gartner report linked below apparently excludes these PDA’s with phones and just considers them PDA’s because the RIM web site calls them “handhelds.” Can they really be that lame? I have to agree with the respondee from Personal Tech Pipeline that these PDA-phones should be considered smart phones. Thanks for the correction.
(While we’re at it, can I help you to get a deal on a free cell phone? If interested, please use one of the links on that page to visit Media Mall’s partnership e-store with FonCentral. Just enter your zip code and check out the deals. And thanks for supporting this blog.)
Despite techno-hype rumblings that smart phones are going to smash the PDA market, research analyists at Gartner reported that PDA’s had their best year-over-year quarter ever: “Worldwide PDA shipments increased 25 percent to 3.4 million in the first quarter of 2005 compared with a year ago — the best first quarter ever for PDA sales. The market was led by 84.3 percent growth in Western European PDA shipments. The U.S. market fell to 39.1 percent of worldwide shipments.”
The bad news for palmOne was that their market share got significantly smaller–shrinking over 26% from 30.5 to 18 percent–although they are still the leader in terms of total PDA units shipped. At the same time, RIM, the makers of Blackberry’s, grew over 75% to blow right by palmOne, increasing from 14.8 to 20.8 percent marketshare. Windows CE-based PDA makers like HP and Dell also saw significant growth making Microsoft the #1 PDA OS, with RIM now 2nd. (See chart).
Note: These stats do NOT include smart phones like the Treo 650 and others.
(it’s about time that golf made it into my blog) I really wanted Chris DiMarco to win the PGA tourney this weekend, but despite the extreme gutsy-ness he showed at the Masters, he wasn’t up to the task. Since I was on the course playing golf, instead of watching TV when it happened, I wanted to know why. I turned to Google News, and found this excellent Sports Illustrated analysis. Strange that DiMarco’s strength, putting, should become his undoing. Sounds like he should have chipped it in. 😉 Read these valuable tips.
And, while we’re talkin’ golf, you’re invited to visit the MediaMall.com Golf Club for insights about clone golf clubs, reviews of my favorite golf books and more .
Yes, there IS power in the video camera and the way that today’s technologies make that video power more accessible.
The New York Times reported that of the 1,670 people arrested during the street protests that were organized around last summer’s Republican National Convention in NYC, 91 percent have ended with either charges dropped or a verdict of not guilty. In particular, the Times said: “A sprawling body of visual evidence, made possible by inexpensive, lightweight cameras in the hands of private citizens, volunteer observers and the police themselves, has shifted the debate over precisely what happened on the streets during the week of the convention.”
Read more on WorldChanging.com or at the New York Times
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