On-Demand is the Defining Trend of the Media Future

Beyond the hot, hot online video explosion is the fundamental disruptive concept of the digital media revolution: consumer empowerment… also known as on-demand media… essentially consumer-controlled media from Tivo-style personal video recorders (PVR’s) to podcasts to anything downloadable. In a nutshell, (as I’ve written for years), it’s the ability to watch or listen to what you want, when you want to (and in the case of podcasts, wherever you are). No longer are we slaves to the broadcasters’ schedules.

One of the things I like to do in this blog is to link to well-articulated perspectives that help people to understand the rapidly evolving media spaces. For example, today I am recommending ClickZ Network’s Sean Carton’s “Welcome to the On-Demand Future” which inspired the regurgitation above…

Search Marketing Continues to Increase in Scope & Complexity

A new Jupiter Research report confirms what those of us who work in search marketing know, search marketing is rapidly growing its share of the business marketing mix, much of it is outsourced contract work, and the whole game (including tracking results, analytics, search advertising and organic search optimization) is becoming more complex. Read the Jupiter Research summary

YouTube Rockets to Dominant Lead in the Video Sharing Space

It’s amazing both how fast the video sharing sites are growing and how far the startup leader YouTube.com is, well, in the lead. The site just went live last December and is already kicking the asses of the likes of Google Video and Yahoo Video.

According to a Hitwise research study sited in this PCWorld report, “For the week ending May 20, YouTube nabbed almost 43 percent of all visits to video Web sites, while the video section of MySpace.com came in second with 24.2 percent.” The presumably bigger video search sites all lagged with less than 10 percent.

For more perspective, YouTube’s twenty-something, former PayPal employee founders, Steve Chen and Chad Hurley (shown here) offer a bit of their brief history and their insights in an interview by CNNMoney.com

Om Malik’s blog also has some interesting related stats in YouTube vs Yahoo.

Broadcasting’s Downloads, Convergence Continues

Leave it to TechCrunch to deliver the state-of-the-art overview (with best of breed links) of “Download Your TV — The Current Options”.

And leave it to a blog to have great links in the comments. Like USA Today’s perspective and overview of “ethnic” broadcast audiences.

And, the fact that the Saddam trial is being carried live on the Web. Who knew?

Next Wave of the Video Web is Building Big Mo’

A nice thing about blogging is that I don’t need to try to be comprehensive… Since I’ve been tracking “The Video Web” for years, I need simply to report that, just in case some of you are not aware, the ability to publish video on the Web is taking off in exciting new ways.

For openers, of course, there’s the relatively new Google Video service, and video sharing market leader, You Tube (“Broadcast Yourself”). Both of these enable you to embed the videos in your own web pages, as I did with the Seth Godin post below.

I also spoke with a friend last week who was impressed by an offer from another start up in this space which has become quickly profitable with advertising on its video sharing site. And most recently, I sparked to a TechCrunch post on a European-based, still-in-private-beta “video publishing on demand” platform called vpod.tv. (Founder Rodrigo Sepulveda Schulz is shown above.)

Lotz of momentum here. The dawning of a new era. Way too much content (much of it sub par, but lots of it interesting) too even begin to give this emerging content landscape a description. Clearly, lots of empowerment for video publishing via the great distribution platform of the Web. And, lots more to come. Stay tuned.

Amazing, Useful Search Tool: Inquisitor

The web is definitely having a new wave of innovation. Inquisitor doubles as an SEM keyword phrase search tool (it automatically gives you related and relevant keyword phrases relating to any search string you type) AND as a way to check out search results on multiple sites (Google, Yahoo, Technorati, Amazon, Digg, etc.) with the simple click of a sidebar button. check it out

(Thanks to Lee Odden’s Online Marketing Blog for the tip.)

Save the Internet: No Joke!

The fight for “Net Neutrality” is no joke. As almost everyone knows, Congress and Big Business cannot be trusted. Even big time recording artists like Moby are getting into the act and doing what they can to help keep the Web as free and open as possible. Check out SaveTheInternet.com for what YOU can do to help including getting yourself better informed on this important issue. SaveTheInternet has videos and lots of other content to help you understand how CRITICAL Net Neutrality is and why you should care. Thanks!

Two-thirds on US Home Internet Users Now Have Broadband Connections

Wow. Even when you think you know what’s happening out there, suddenly there’s another imporant milestone among what I might call “techno-megatrends” tracking. Beyond all the business Internet users who almost all of whom have broadband Internet connections… Amongst US Internet users at home, a full two-thirds now have broadband Internet connections. If you ask me, that’s pretty impressive. Things are continuing to change fast and, as usual, they are accelerating. No wonder there’s so much Internet video action these days. Here’s more details from the new Nielsen//NetRatings report.

Internet Video Meets Internet TV: The Convergence Continues…

Of course, I’ve been tracking Google Video and video podcasts… And certainly, I have spoken many times about the trend from broadcasting to narrowcasting… And I’ve even referred to special interest (or well-focused) websites as “microcasting”… But now the NYTimes has jumped on the term “slivercasting.” And, that’s fine.

But, what’s more, I tend to perceive an article on the front page of the Sunday New York Times Business section sub-titled, “As Internet TV Aims at Niche Audiences, the Slivercast Is Born” as something of a benchmark. It’s always nice to have a professional business perspective that includes real world examples (not to mention video clip examples) as a form of instantly credible support for the apparent conceptual trends. 😉

Bottom line, Internet video and Internet TV (what I used to call “The Video Web” in my old Videography column) are becoming more and more real, viable and important.

And, personally, I even have to admit that I’m wanting to trade in my iPod for a video iPod, especially now that The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is available from iTunes, including a new Multi-Pass option that gives you the current episode plus the next 15 episodes for $9.99 (vs. $1.99 per episode.) Stay tuned!

Free Chat App Can Help Convert Browsers into Buyers

It’s been proven that offering a live, realtime interaction via online chat applications like LiveChat can help convert browsers into buyers. Now, open source strikes again by making this kind of technology free via a new web-based app, ZaZaChat. As you might expect, it’s still in “beta,” so if anyone tests it, please let me know. Now that the price is right, all you need is the time and willingness to interact directly with your prospective customers. 😉