A nice thing about blogging is that I don’t need to try to be comprehensive… Since I’ve been tracking “The Video Web” for years, I need simply to report that, just in case some of you are not aware, the ability to publish video on the Web is taking off in exciting new ways.
For openers, of course, there’s the relatively new Google Video service, and video sharing market leader, You Tube (“Broadcast Yourself”). Both of these enable you to embed the videos in your own web pages, as I did with the Seth Godin post below.
I also spoke with a friend last week who was impressed by an offer from another start up in this space which has become quickly profitable with advertising on its video sharing site. And most recently, I sparked to a TechCrunch post on a European-based, still-in-private-beta “video publishing on demand” platform called vpod.tv. (Founder Rodrigo Sepulveda Schulz is shown above.)
Lotz of momentum here. The dawning of a new era. Way too much content (much of it sub par, but lots of it interesting) too even begin to give this emerging content landscape a description. Clearly, lots of empowerment for video publishing via the great distribution platform of the Web. And, lots more to come. Stay tuned.