Video & You: Bigger Than Ever

I’ve been talking about how hot the online video business and content is getting for months, but it’s now beyond my comprehension. Not only are the Skype founders testing a new broadband video service and the NY Times is reporting a new online video service being put together by “a handful of giant media companies, like NBC Universal, the News Corporation, Viacom and possibly CBS,” but user-generated content a.k.a. “you” is the person on the year and the cover of Time magazine’s year end issue. The real story behind this is Web 2.0 and, of course, YouTube. For example, the article explains that last year users were downloading 10 million clips a DAY from YouTube. This year: 100 million video clips a day… read more of Time’s perspective… (including the list of related articles.)

Making Money on the Video Web

Any of you blog readers remember my Videography columns? Just curious. In any case, FYI for the rest of you, I’ve been writing about video on the web since the first streaming video vendors (in fact I consulted by VDONet which preceeded Real in terms of online video). Not that that’s important, but it’s nice to see the financial eco-system aka the online video marketplace coming of age to a point where people think there’s a business there. Of course, the biggest piece is the sale of movies, TV shows and other commercial forms of entertainment. But, as I’m found of saying, “stay tuned”… there’s more.

If you’re involved in the online video marketplace and its business potential, you’ll find this report about other research reports regarding the “MoneyTube,” Online Video Becomes a Real Business, to be of interest.

US Online Ad Spending Continues Rapid Growth

I can’t believe that I’ve not posted a thing that I learned at Webmaster World in Vegas two weeks ago, but bottom line: search marketing and search advertising as well as online viral, word of mouth marketing are hot and garnering a bigger and bigger piece of the US business marketing dollar pie. For example, this eMarketer report summarizes a consensus among analysts that internet advertising spending is continuing growth at a 30-40% year over year pace.

FYI, in addition to ComBridges internet marketing services, I’m working on a workshop and e-book to help smaller businesses get a handle of the effective use of these marketing channels. More on that soon.

Net Video Sites Up Offers of Cash for Content

Reuters reports that video sites are now paying real cash money for what has been the amateur-only user-generated content category of web videos. In particular, has upped it’s payments to $400/clip, with more being paid for original animations; and the site claims to have already paid over $300,000 for original user generated content. The universe of web video appears to be beginning to mature in terms of its business models with paying of eyeballs (viewers) and quality content motivating submissions. Stay tuned.

New Palm Treo 680, 1/2 the price

Those interested in a “smart phone” with the Palm OS can now get the Treo from Cingular at roughly one-half the price ($199 with activation) of previous Treo models. I also like the fact that this is smaller by the fact that there’s no antenae sticking out of the top. Most of you know that this is the easiest smart phone to synch with a Mac. Here’s a video review from MobilityToday:

The Birth of the “Social Video Network” (video blogging & social networking remixed)

You take a little MySpace, you add some YouTube, and mash ’em up. That’s the latest in easy to use video blogging… er well, I mean video sharing/syndication… well, actually, I mean video “channels” based on MySpace social networking and YouTube video sharing type o’ technologies.

The business model et al was written up on AlwaysOn or go straight to (the “social broadcast network”) or vsocial.

Next Generation: Online Digital Video Editing Software

As readers of this blog (or my old Videography columns) know, I like the ASP (application service provider) model of “software as service” using web-based applications to replace those that once lived exclusively on your computer’s desktop. Video editing software has been one of the most difficult to deliver via an online application. But in today’s world of ubiquitous high speed connections, not to mention the massive demand for online video deliver, much more viable solutions, like are emerging. Very impressive! Read TechCrunch’s review with links to other online digital video editing software application sites.

LonelyGirl15: Viral Video Victory

If you search YouTube for “lonelygirl15,” you get all kinds of debunking, profanity and other forms of extremely personal video reactions. Whether hoax or otherwise, the girl’s got buzz. Personally, I’m with the crowd that thinks she’s too polished not to be a professional production (and I am a video production professional). Regardless, she’s the latest generation of viral video star; and, as New York magazine says, she’s the leading edge of a new (albeit commercial) art form.

More on Online Video Search and Contextual Video Advertising

The online video revolution continues to rev up (with a long way to go.) Andy Plesser, publisher of Beet.TV (also the author of the piece linked below) is covering it as well as anyone I’ve seen. Here’s his latest piece on contextual video advertising which includes, of course, a video interview. (Thank Gawd for someone who walks his talk.) This short piece also has a nice short list of links to video sites he considers online video advertising pioneers.

I also found the link in this piece to Blinkx.TV to be interesting, including the kewl video mosiac on their home page.

Microformats: The Future of Microcasting?

I’ve been around long enough to come from the cable TV daze when narrowcasting was a revolution. When I was at USA Network, MTV, CNN, ESPN etc were breakthroughs as channels for what we now call vertical audiences. I like to call the web’s quantum leap into far more finely defined audiences “microcasting.”

Technorati‘s Chairman, Peter Hirshberg (shown here) thinks that the organized tag technology called Microformats will provide important accessbility to the millions of video clips on the web… via tagged indexing. As you might expect, there’s a video clip to explain it.

What do you think?