Entries by JonLeland

50 Years Connecting People Who Care: Lessons from 1970 That Still Matter

I’m feeling vulnerable as I step into owning my history as a media innovator. Can it really be 50 years?! In doing this week’s Video Mojo, I discovered that “Connecting People Who Care” is more than just words for me. It’s a thread that somehow flows through all of my work. The meaning of this phrase […]

The Beyond Storytelling Interview: How to Find the Story that WANTS to Be Told

Sadly, the meaning of storytelling has become clouded by the fact that it has become a “marketing buzzword du jour.” AND, as my expert guest Michael Kass says, “Story is real!“ Story is so real in fact that, if you listen to yourself carefully, you might find that there’s a story in you that WANTS to be […]

How to Achieve Your 2020 Content Marketing Goals + Recommended Resources Help You Get There

Blessings on your Holidays and wishing you vibrant good health, chuckles of happiness and easeful prosperity in the New Year. Setting yourself up to achieve your 2020 goals sounds simple… and it is! But, doing what you want to do does require taking some simple action steps. And, you have to take them! ???? Some essential elements […]

Hey Podcasting! Meet My Video Blog – A Content Marketing Distribution Innovation

What?!? You turned your video blog into a podcast? Yes, I did! ???? If you want to know how and why I did this, please watch this video: What I did is: To get started, I stripped the audio off of a few of my video blog episodes, successfully put the Anchor.fm online app to work, and […]

3 Reasons Why a Website Is NOT a “Web Presence” & What It Takes to Be EFFECTIVE with Digital Marketing

Fact: Websites are totally over-rated as marketing tools.  Websites aren’t even an “online presence” anymore. If you’re living in the past and think all you need is a website in order to be “present” online, then this video is for you: Online marketing or digital marketing is constantly changing, especially if you are interested in (or […]

The Power of a Creative Practice: Video Blogging Inspiration & Mini-Book Review

For me, Video Blogging is more about the power of a “creative practice,” rather than a profit-driven marketing strategy. Yes, “by day,” I am a marketing strategist, but more importantly, I’m also an explorer and adventurer who loves (OK, THRIVES!) by discovering new dimensions of the “online video spaces.” In other words, I like to […]

Video Blogging: Is It Really Transformational? Where’s the Meaning & the Magic?

Where’s the meaning and the magic behind video blogging? Are you wondering if a video blogging practice can make a meaningful difference in the world, in your life, and/or in your business? When I took on the challenge of doing video blogging for ten consecutive weeks, things changed in unexpected ways and the “ripples” of […]