Entries by JonLeland

3 Requirements for Marketing Success in The Connection Economy + Better Learning Through Acronyms

Change is always challenging, and as you’ve probably noticed, the environment for digital marketing has changed dramatically. I think Seth Godin describes this well with his term: The Connection Economy. But what does it take to be successful in The Connection Economy? In this short video blog post, I cover 3 key ingredients or “Requirements […]

Watch & Learn How Video Connection is the Future of Digital Marketing

Making a personal, human connection via video is more than a trend. It’s a MEGA-trend. Video is also the one essential marketing strategy that you can’t afford to skip. Here’s why: I believe that authentic relationship-building is at the heart of meaningful marketing. Given that nothing you can do online builds relationship more powerfully than […]

Here’s Why Experimentation is An Essential Attitude for Successful Digital Marketing

Please FORGET the old “one-and-done” approach to marketing.  Today’s digital marketing requires EXPERIMENTATION.  In this short video, I explain why experimentation is absolutely essential for online success.  While experimentation can be scary for some people, there’s no other way to learn, no other way to get the value of marketplace feedback, and most importantly, there […]

Why a Website Without ROI is like a Bank Account without Money

As a digital marketing strategist, I HATE seeing businesses waste their money with ineffective websites and lame online marketing. For this reason, I champion strategies that produce real tangible results. Why would you have it any other way? In this week’s Digital Marketing Power Briefing video, I address both the challenges and the strategies that […]

Why “SEO” is So “Yesterday” For Small Business Online Marketing

This week’s Digital Marketing Power Briefing video (below) is about an online marketing subject that is widely understood, and in my opinion, it has become quite passé for businesses looking for immediate results. In fact, SEO is often the first kind of marketing support that people request after they’ve done a website redesign. The truth […]

Video Invitation to the “Your Website is Broken!” Power Briefing

Your Invitation to a Free Video Power Briefing on Meaningful Digital Marketing The video invitation below is kind of a big deal for me because I’m swinging out in a new way. It’s not that I’ve produced another video in order to try to be helpful. Rather, it’s because my new “Power Briefing” videos are designed […]

Video Post: How to Do Lead Generation that is Fun and Meaningful, Not Spammy or Sleazy

Spammy, sleazy online marketers have given “lead generation” a bad name. But it doesn’t have to be that way! So, I’ve created a new video blog post to explain how—when you put “leading with value” and being of service first—marketing online can become more fun and meaningful. Click the video below to watch now. Edited […]

Insta-LOVE: How We Leverage Instagram to Make Clients Shine

This post illuminates how a creative digital marketing strategy can find meaningful opportunities to shine a positive light on a client’s value. A recent, fun example of how this kind of content marketing works is the way we brightened the Instagram feed of our client, Marin Airporter. In this case, we used passenger produced photos […]