Entries by JonLeland

Easy Jump Start & Podcasting Pitch

Tinu Abayomi-Paul who writes for Search Engine Guide wrote a somewhat optimistic yet useful pitch, Why You’re Missing Out on Hundreds of Visitors If You Aren’t Podcasting which includes a link to her even more useful HowtoPodcast blog which includes a quite groovy little Flash movie, “The Easy Podcast Movie” which shows you how to […]

Blogs, Jeff Gannon, TV Clips from Bill Maher & Daily Show

The Blogosphere is starting to get to me… And I agree with some of the serious, yet humorous commentary below that the question of how a male prostitute got a White House Press Pass DOES deserve investigation… It’s also somewhat fascination to me that I found these video clips via the Bloglines Top Links, and […]

Podcasting Builds Momentum, Gets Defined

OK. I admit it. Maybe podcasting IS the beginning of the personalized webcasting that I wrote about for years in Videography. I was impressed with the NY Times coverage this weekend… snappy examples… Tired of TiVo? Beyond Blogs? Podcasts Are Here. I take as a sign of emerging yet premature maturity 😉 that there are […]

Podcasting Maybe Bigger Than I Thought

According to this ClickZ article MP3 Player Adoption at Tipping Point, there are now 22 million Americans with iPod’s or other MP3 players and this market has reached a “tipping point” that is making it viable as a distribution platform. I’ll sure be amazed if podcasting takes off. Probably we just need more people with […]

SEO tip

Wanna know where you site is ranking on all the major search engines for a particular keyword term? Who doesn’t! Use the Marketleap Keyword Verification Tool. It’s easy as pie and they’ve got some other pretty nifty free tools up there as well. Enjoy.

Podcasting… a future or a fad?

Wow. Apple‘s runaway success in the MP3 player market has spawned a new kind of broadcasting called podcasting. I caught wind of it in Wired magazine (Jan/Feb issue) and then I saw mention in USA Today. Sites like PodcastAlley.com, Audio.Weblogs.com, Ipodder.org and Podcast.net are breaking new ground. Do you think it’s a viable “broadcasting” platform […]

I couldn’t stay away

I thought about giving up blogging. I started. I stopped. I couldn’t stay away. Your feedback and encouragement are needed. Please let me know if you think I should keep doing this… or not. Thanks!