Entries by JonLeland

Google Maps’ Satellite View: Even Better!

I forgot to mention (because I missed it originally), that Google Maps also has a satellite view with the same zoom and drag/pan functionalities as the map view. In fact, you can toggle directly between the map view and the satellite view. Awesome! http://maps.google.com

Forget MapQuest: Google Maps Rules!

If you’re like me, MapQuest is useful, but clumsy. Navigating around those maps, clicking up and down is such a pain. Finally, there’s a better solution. A much better solution. And wouldn’t you know it comes from the “ease of use” folks at Google… another “beta” program. But the zoom and dragging is state-of-the-art, and […]

Voice over IP Phones Expanding Rapidly

Very few people realize how huge VoIP (voice over IP a.k.a. the Internet) is becoming. The quality is now totally viable. The costs are significantly less than from the traditional phone companies. All you need is a high speed Internet connection and some moxie. Soon you’ll easily be able to do this wirelessly as well. […]

Google to Support Video Blogging

Here’s one of many stories about this on the web today: http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/2298.html OR you can test their “beta” video search engine for yourself: http://video.google.com/

Podcasting is, like, SO “last week”! Meet PSPCasting

Could the Sony Playstation Portable (PSP) be the next iPod? Maybe. In any case, it’s already being used for a new kind of video broadcasting that is built on the inspiration of podcasting (see earlier posts in this blog). The facilitating technology is a new PSP-compatible video format called PSP Video 9 and the new […]

Steve Jobs Joins Ikea (happy april fools!)

Stranger things have happened than a guy with no furniture heading up a consumer furniture design and manufacturing company, right? Hey, if he can make the iPod a smashing success, why not dining room sets? Enjoy, and Get the gag at the UK’s The Register

Urchin Gobbled by Google

Don’t you like the sound of that headline? Anyway, we use the Urchin web stats on our servers all the time. It’s parent, Web Analytics just got bought by Google… I’m not sure if this is good news or not. Any opinions? Here’s the story: http://www.searchengineguide.com/laycock/003904.html And the press release: http://www.urchin.com/company/news/03282005.html

Skype Me! NYTimes & the New Phone Net

Free phone service over the Net is not new, but the improvements in quality are apparently not only making it more popular, but more intimate as well. In a piece in tomorrow’s New York Times, Internet free speech evangelist and Grateful Dead lyricist, John Perry Barlow is quoted as saying about the free Skype Internet […]

Sony Playstation Portable, More that a Game Machine

I don’t write much about games, but it looks like the soon to be released Sony Playstation Portable is worth noticing beyond it’s gaming capabilities. Among other things, it looks to be a pretty awesome video player too. This is, in part, enabled by a new storage medium called UMD or Universal Media Discs. These […]

Flash movie: A Creative View of Our Media Future

Clearly the medium of Flash movies is evolving in fascinating ways. Here’s an insightful work of visual fiction that is at the same time a provocative commentary on high-tech trends in publishing (including spins on the New York Times, Google and Amazon) while also providing a thought-provoking kind of entertainment… dare I say “edutainment”? All […]