Entries by JonLeland

Google Grabs Sun for Open Source Alliance

I expect to post more on this later, but I can’t wait to applaud the new alliance between Google and Sun (whose CEO’s are shown here). Yes, Virginia, there is an alternative to Microsoft Office, and it’s called OpenOffice.org; and, yes, it’s a viable alternative to the wickedness of Word. There’s much more to this […]

When Will Wie Win?

She already has won. Not that I think she’s going to take all that endorsement money and run, but anybody who doesn’t think she’s going to prove herself on the LPGA as well as in a lot of other places, can step right up and I’ll take their bets. She’s a genuine star with genuine […]

Michelle Wie Getting Set to Turn Pro

Uh-oh. Two back-to-back golf posts… Well, on one hand, I’m interested in Michelle Wie from the sports business point of view… Specifically, how does a 15 year old who has never won a professional tournament become that highest paid woman golfer in the world? And, on the other hand, I love her from the “spiritual […]

The Grand Mr. Gore is Great for Golf

You gotta love it when nice guys finish first. Also, as a “big man,” it would be less than full disclosure if I didn’t point out that I also like this guy because, like me, he’s not as buff as Tiger Woods. But he still got the job done. The future of golf is brighter […]

Finally, A Fine Apple QT Webcast

When I was writing for Videography, among other events, I used to go to every Steve Jobs MacWorld keynote in San Francisco, and LOVED the show. (If you haven’t seen Jobs in action, even if you’re not an Apple fan, it’s worth the experience to see perhaps the most masterful presenter, well, er, salesman in […]

JotSpot Wiki App for the Rest of Us

The techno dweebs among us (and apparently I’m in that category) know that a “wiki” is a kind of free form web-based collaboration environment. The only limitation that I know of is that they have required a certain degree of techno savvy, perhaps even a programmer’s aptitude, in order to make good use of them. […]

Why the Levee Broke: The Cost of the Iraq War Gets Uglier

Like most Americans, I am horrified by the Hurricane Katrina disaster and its follow on challenges of health and downright survival issues. It’s heartbreaking, the magnitude of the human suffering; and, for me, it comes “home” also because my father was a proud native of New Orleans, and I spent a bit of time there […]

Take the Rein on Your Own Goodness

I promised this blog would get spiritual at some point, and it’s time. I was inspired and delighted by an article in Shambhala Sun magazine, “A Reign of Goodness,” by the American-born Tibetan teacher, Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche, who also happens to be the son of one of my favorite Tibetan teachers and authors, Chogyam Trungpa. […]

Googlers Gripe Upon Getting Googled

This irony is lost somewhere between “Do what I say, not what I do” and “Do unto others…” It seems that CNET News Googled Google CEO Eric Schmidt and then printed some of what it found. The result? Not praise for creativity, but a promised year of silent shoulder, black out, personna non gratis, “we’re […]

Haggis on the Origins of Crash

More evidence of what a remarkable movie Crash is… And what a remarkable filmmaker Paul Haggis is… Here’s a personal essay from Haggis telling the story and describing the feelings that inspired the film. Totally congruent and touching. (Thanks, Wade, for the link)