Entries by JonLeland

Search Engine Market Share Stats

I get asked on a regular basis “How much of the search engine traffic comes from Google as compared to the others?” Well, the first point is that the traffic to a particular site varies depending on its audience and its keyword positions at various search engines. For example, my ComBridges.com site gets a higher […]

Breakthrough Productivity Apps: Basecamp & Backpack

If you haven’t checked out these very impressive online applications (ASP’s), I couldn’t recommend them too highly. As a company, we’ve been experimenting with all kinds of virtual collaboration tools, project management applications, and such. To date, Basecamp is getting the job done like none other. The fact that it’s caused us to sort our […]

The truth about Flash in Email

We do lots of Flash and lots of email newsletters, and I’ve always known that delivering Flash via email is problematic, although I’ve heard frequent claims from vendors who claim to have overcome the email client software compatibility issues. It appears I’m right (which I always like) and this article offers a quite comprehensive test. […]

Convergence Connects with Local Search: Spot Runner

I was talkin’ with an old media buddy about the CES show, and our sentiments were echoed in this Sunday’s “Media Frenzy” column in the NYTimes Business section, with this opening line: “Convergence is back…” In fact, it may be more accurate to say it’s finally here. And I’m talking about more than iPod video […]

Define Web 2.0 & Ajax. Hunh?

Even as one who has blogged (see posts below) about kewl Web 2.0 applications and their Ajax programming, ah, er, platform, or whatever-it-is… I’ve not been the one to articulately define these trends or movements or whatever they are. So I was pleased to find both a fine technical explanation of Ajax, as well as […]

Steve Jobs MacWorld Keynote Video: Watch It Now

The video of the Steve Jobs keynote is now up on Apple’s website. The quality is quite good, and if you’ve never seen Jobs do one of these presentations, I think it’s not to be missed. If you’ve seen one, you know. Thank God, they are finally getting this video up to watchable quality. And […]

New Intel Macs, sure. But Google Earth Mac, YEAH!

Don’t get me wrong. I’m psyched about the new Intel MacBooks and iMacs, but what I’ve really been waiting for is Google Earth for the Mac. Finally, It’s here! It’s like piloting your own aircraft over the earth, or getting a real “birds eye view”… And while I’m blabbing, eh, I mean blogging, kudos to […]

Podcasting eBook

Looks like a good, cost effective ($9.95) resource for those looking for a podcasting manual: Learn more about the 93-page podcasting ebook.