Entries by JonLeland

Broadcasting’s Downloads, Convergence Continues

Leave it to TechCrunch to deliver the state-of-the-art overview (with best of breed links) of “Download Your TV — The Current Options”. And leave it to a blog to have great links in the comments. Like USA Today’s perspective and overview of “ethnic” broadcast audiences. And, the fact that the Saddam trial is being carried […]

Father of the Web, Berners-Lee Backs Net Neutrality

Perhaps some folks need to be reminded that the Internet, the Web — this wondrous online universe that has revolutionized, and is still revolutionizing communications for corporations and “the little guy” alike — was not created or envisioned by politicians, but by scientists… to be specific Sir Tim Berners-Lee. So maybe we all should be […]

Next Wave of the Video Web is Building Big Mo’

A nice thing about blogging is that I don’t need to try to be comprehensive… Since I’ve been tracking “The Video Web” for years, I need simply to report that, just in case some of you are not aware, the ability to publish video on the Web is taking off in exciting new ways. For […]

Amazing, Useful Search Tool: Inquisitor

The web is definitely having a new wave of innovation. Inquisitor doubles as an SEM keyword phrase search tool (it automatically gives you related and relevant keyword phrases relating to any search string you type) AND as a way to check out search results on multiple sites (Google, Yahoo, Technorati, Amazon, Digg, etc.) with the […]

Save the Internet: No Joke!

The fight for “Net Neutrality” is no joke. As almost everyone knows, Congress and Big Business cannot be trusted. Even big time recording artists like Moby are getting into the act and doing what they can to help keep the Web as free and open as possible. Check out SaveTheInternet.com for what YOU can do […]

The Truth About How Web Pages Are Read

My favorite and most highly recommended book on the subject of web usability (or in plane folks speak, the science and art of how to make web pages more useful) is Steve Krug’s “Don’t Make Me Think.” But, arguably the “grandfather” of books on this subject is Jacob Nielsen. Another interesting info-tidbit is that people […]

TechCrunch & more Best of Web 2.0

TechCrunch‘s Michael Arrington does an amazing job of keeping up on the latest Web 2.0 applications. I just found his overview of the Web 2.0 companies that he couldn’t live without. It’s a great list of the leaders in the way cool, AJAX-enabled software as service world. (I’ve featured other Web 2.0 lists and definitions […]

Internet Telephony, Better Yourpages & More

Yahoo has joined the Internet telephony game by bundling a Skype, Gizmo Project (my fav) Voice over IP (VoIP) service with Yahoo Messenger. Among Google’s many new initiatives is Google Finance; but that wasn’t even one of the 25 things Danny Sullivan loves about Google. There are new Web 2.0 applications every day… Today, I […]

DabbleDB: The Best Web 2.0 Application Yet

I’ve been tracking Web 2.0 and related applications. (For example, this previous post: “Define Web 2.0 & Ajax… Hunh?”.) But, DabbleDB is the best thing I’ve seen. It’s actually an online tool that lets you build a database-driven application on the fly, quickly and about as easily as can be imagined. No kidding. It’s still […]