Entries by JonLeland

MySpace Adding 240K New Subscribers/Day!

I knew MySpace was a major site growing very rapidly, but I didn’t realize that it’s pretty much off the charts. For example, did you know it’s the second biggest website on the web, solidly ahead of MSN, AOL, EBay & Google? MySpace generates roughly 30 billion monthly page views (10,593 per second) with users […]

On-Demand is the Defining Trend of the Media Future

Beyond the hot, hot online video explosion is the fundamental disruptive concept of the digital media revolution: consumer empowerment… also known as on-demand media… essentially consumer-controlled media from Tivo-style personal video recorders (PVR’s) to podcasts to anything downloadable. In a nutshell, (as I’ve written for years), it’s the ability to watch or listen to what […]

Dark Day: Net Neutrality Defeat & NSA Spys on MySpace

The Republican Congress did what many of us had feared and dealt a blow to Net Neutrality. Next the Senate will speak… Meanwhile, opponents of this move now include Consumers Union, the non-profit publisher of Consumer Reports. And O’Reilly Radar quotes a report that reveals that the NSA may well be “funding research into the […]

Search Marketing Continues to Increase in Scope & Complexity

A new Jupiter Research report confirms what those of us who work in search marketing know, search marketing is rapidly growing its share of the business marketing mix, much of it is outsourced contract work, and the whole game (including tracking results, analytics, search advertising and organic search optimization) is becoming more complex. Read the […]

Google Spreadsheet Spreads Brower-based Productivity

The race is on to deliver desktop quality productivity plus the enhancements of more web-based Web 2.0 interactivity like the real time sharing of documents than any desktop app can dream of… And, I think, with its various acquisitions, Google has taken the lead in this race. For example, they recently acquired the web-based word […]

YouTube Rockets to Dominant Lead in the Video Sharing Space

It’s amazing both how fast the video sharing sites are growing and how far the startup leader YouTube.com is, well, in the lead. The site just went live last December and is already kicking the asses of the likes of Google Video and Yahoo Video. According to a Hitwise research study sited in this PCWorld […]

Simpler is Still Better: One-Page Sites

The champions of the cause of simplicity, 37 signals, who deliver online web services that are by their own proclamation, “the best web-based software products possible with the least number of features necessary” have made an interesting blog post, visually, of one-page websites. For when you don’t really need more than one (page). The most […]