Entries by JonLeland

Net Video Sites Up Offers of Cash for Content

Reuters reports that video sites are now paying real cash money for what has been the amateur-only user-generated content category of web videos. In particular, Break.com has upped it’s payments to $400/clip, with more being paid for original animations; and the site claims to have already paid over $300,000 for original user generated content. The […]

New Palm Treo 680, 1/2 the price

Those interested in a “smart phone” with the Palm OS can now get the Treo from Cingular at roughly one-half the price ($199 with activation) of previous Treo models. I also like the fact that this is smaller by the fact that there’s no antenae sticking out of the top. Most of you know that […]

Next Generation: Online Digital Video Editing Software

As readers of this blog (or my old Videography columns) know, I like the ASP (application service provider) model of “software as service” using web-based applications to replace those that once lived exclusively on your computer’s desktop. Video editing software has been one of the most difficult to deliver via an online application. But in […]

Local Search Continues Expansion with Enhancements to Yahoo Local & Live.com

As I’ve said earlier, local search is increasingly the optimum marketing medium for local businesses (from auto repair to therapists). Clearly, the big search engines agree as they continue to enhance their localized search services. The latest enhancements come from Yahoo and Microsoft’s Live.com; who are, of course, trying to keep up with Google. A […]

LonelyGirl15: Viral Video Victory

If you search YouTube for “lonelygirl15,” you get all kinds of debunking, profanity and other forms of extremely personal video reactions. Whether hoax or otherwise, the girl’s got buzz. Personally, I’m with the crowd that thinks she’s too polished not to be a professional production (and I am a video production professional). Regardless, she’s the […]

More on Online Video Search and Contextual Video Advertising

The online video revolution continues to rev up (with a long way to go.) Andy Plesser, publisher of Beet.TV (also the author of the piece linked below) is covering it as well as anyone I’ve seen. Here’s his latest piece on contextual video advertising which includes, of course, a video interview. (Thank Gawd for someone […]

Microformats: The Future of Microcasting?

I’ve been around long enough to come from the cable TV daze when narrowcasting was a revolution. When I was at USA Network, MTV, CNN, ESPN etc were breakthroughs as channels for what we now call vertical audiences. I like to call the web’s quantum leap into far more finely defined audiences “microcasting.” Technorati‘s Chairman, […]

Free Conference Calls with Built-in Recording

I’ve been using free conference calls from FreeConference.com for some time. It works. No toll free number, but no per minute charges either. Now thanks to a tip from NYTimes’ David Pogue I’ve found LiveOfficeFreeConference where you don’t have to make a reservation, AND you can record up to 60 minutes of the call (just […]

Insights into Fox & Murdoch’s MySpace Video Mindset

Rupert Mudoch’s Fox big media conglomerate’s ownership of mega web upstart MySpace.com is not only controversial, but also apparently largely driven as a platform for video content. Illumination of this phenom appears in the AlwaysOn interview with Fox Interactive president Ross Levinsohn and in the BusinessWeek Online article, “Fox Feeds the Online TV Frenzy.”