Entries by JonLeland

Whoa! Netflix to Offer Free TV Shows to Members

The battle for the distribution of broadcast programming via the Web is heating up. Apple’s iTunes Store has made big waves by selling TV shows at $1.99 each. Now NetFlix is rolling out what is essentially a perk for membership. Free downloadable TV shows. Here’s the TechCrunch overview of this announcement and the official NetFlix […]

Optimizing Search Marketing: Great Keyword Insights

I’m still amazed at how many people have not yet discovered that effective, results-producing search engine marketing (and PPC, pay-per-click search engine advertising) begins with keyword research. It’s really BIG TIME IMPORTANT! And, while my favorite keyword research tool is Trellian Keyword Discovery, a friend and fellow search engine marketer forwarded me the following link […]

New Easy Way to Monetize Your Internet Video Clips

(Sometimes I still feel like I’m covering the “Video Web” the way I did in my “old days” at Videography, yet I know not how many of you readers even know or care.) I not only think that AdBrite’s new InVideo service is useful and practical, but I really like the fact that they’re walking […]

How Google Earth Killed Santa !

This arrived via the blogosphere… a geek humor goodie, all in good cheer. Click here to read the sad but true story of how our world has changed such that our little ones are being given a new, albeit perhaps less magical view of so-called “reality” 😉 Merry merry and happy happy!JL

Video & You: Bigger Than Ever

I’ve been talking about how hot the online video business and content is getting for months, but it’s now beyond my comprehension. Not only are the Skype founders testing a new broadband video service and the NY Times is reporting a new online video service being put together by “a handful of giant media companies, […]

Making Money on the Video Web

Any of you blog readers remember my Videography columns? Just curious. In any case, FYI for the rest of you, I’ve been writing about video on the web since the first streaming video vendors (in fact I consulted by VDONet which preceeded Real in terms of online video). Not that that’s important, but it’s nice […]

Browser-based Chat App Breaks Through Compatibility Blocks

Web content is becoming more and more modularized, and Web 2.0 is increasing efficiencies with windows within the browser window… One of the most useful applications I’ve seen that solves a real problem for me is Meebo.com. First of all, I’m using two IM (instant messenger) applications these days, having collegues using both AIM (via […]

US Online Ad Spending Continues Rapid Growth

I can’t believe that I’ve not posted a thing that I learned at Webmaster World in Vegas two weeks ago, but bottom line: search marketing and search advertising as well as online viral, word of mouth marketing are hot and garnering a bigger and bigger piece of the US business marketing dollar pie. For example, […]