Entries by JonLeland

Skype Video Call Gives Me a New Taste of the Global Village

I know this is nothing new, but the experience is somehow different, especially when it happens to you unexpectedly. Here’s what happened… I have a prospective consulting client in the UK. We’ve had a couple of phone calls and numerous emails. I was away on vacation last week and we planned to talk yesterday to […]

Google, DoubleClick & the Next Era of Internet Advertising

While Microsoft & ATT are quick to raise defensive legal questions (and Google’s Eric Schmidt is quick to scoff at them, while also downplaying their new online presentation application), Sara Holoubeck at the DMNews (DM as in direct marketing) has some nice references to emerging ad exchange networks that introduce and integrate EBay-style bidding into […]

Cool Convergence & Browsing Bonus: Great TechCrunch-NetVibes Mashup

For your browsing pleasure… In announcing the new NetVibes roll-out of the ability to create public personalized pages, the marvelous Michael Arrington also offered his own personalized, customized TechCrunch NetVibes page “featuring many of my favorite news feeds and a few widgets.” I offer this to you because it is a cool convergence. From my […]

A Good Lesson in Email Subject Lines

This is a basic issue for anyone who sends out email announcements or email newsletters. It’s crucial to your “open rate” that the subject line be compelling and engaging. One useful point here that I’ve wondered about but never heard clearly defined is the 56-character space limit. Solid guidance. Dr. EBiz is generally a good […]

NYTimes Spotlights The Internet-to-Cable Comedy Incubator

I love this. More evidence of the power of putting video online. More creative freedom and opportunities for creative people. More media power to the people. More breaking up of the old guard media empires (oh yeah, they call those “disruptive technologies”), etc. New York Times television “news” section calls its report: Online Yesterday, on […]

Understanding Blogging 101

This dude, ChrisG, is getting some well-deserved viral buzz. He’s doing the blog thing well; and he’s explaining what, why and how he’s doing this blog thing well, all along the way. I know many folks out there are scratching their heads trying to understand the whole blogosphere and viral marketing phenom. Well, Chris’ latest […]

Finally, An Overview of Video Sharing Sites and Revenue Opportunities

I’ve been wanting someone to write this article. (Thanks to Beet.TV for the tip.) A site called LightReading (which calls itself “the leading integrated business media company serving the telecommunications industry and other related next-generation communications markets”) has published Online Video: Show Us the Money which includes information on no fewer than 75 video sharing […]

Great Basic Search Marketing Tips

Here are some very important pointers that are also some of the most common mistakes made by websites who want to be found by the search engines, and especially for those who want their websites to rank well for targeted keyword phrases. (This is also known as search engine optimization, SEO or SEM.) http://seoclass.com/blog/7-homework-items-to-complete-before-any-seo-class/ (FYI, […]

Build Your Own Social Network, The Buzz Du Jour

I made a post re the build-your-own-social-network platform Ning below, so this is just a small follow up because I couldn’t resist passing along TechCrunch‘s quote of the NYTimes quoting Ning’s founder, Marc Andreesen regarding Cisco’s buyout of social network-building company Tribe. Andreesen said, “The idea that Cisco is going to be a force in […]