Entries by JonLeland

Video Shows (or Channels) Are Attracting Real Money

Beet.TV is calling this a “boom time for niche media” as in Believe It: Boom Time in Niche Media is Now: Mediapost Sells for $23 Million….WallStrip Producer Explains the $5 Million Value Proposition for CBS..and More! Impressive sales for producers who started their own thing, only on the web. Real sales for real substantial dollars. […]

A New Way to Distribute Your Videos on the Web

What’s a video producer to do? We all want to have as many people as possible see whatever we produce… So should we upload our clips to MySpace, to YouTube, to Google Video, etc. etc. Or, wouldn’t it be nice to have a simple web-based service that does this kind of distribution for us? Well, […]

Steve Jobs & Bill Gates Together, The Complete Coverage

I don’t think there are two better visionaries on the planet (of course, I’m partial to Steve Jobs), and while their joint appearance with Wall Street Journal’s Walt Mossberg was covered in the news, I just discovered the complete coverage including transcripts and video clips (an edit of video excerpts is included below). Good stuff! […]

O’Reilly Publisher’s Conference Coverage by me

I was pleased to cover the scintillating O’Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing conference that was held last week in San Jose for eContent magazine. It was a worthy conference filled with leading edge thinking (at least mostly.) My executive summary-style coverage is here: http://www.econtentmag.com/Articles/ArticleReader.aspx?ArticleID=36790 Enjoy.

Windows on the Mac Making Moves Toward Totally Transparent Integration

Macs with Intel chips have been progressing toward total two-platform (Windows and Mac OS) integration on one desktop. Unfortunately, Apple’s BootCamp requires you to reboot. Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac is just released and offers significant new features that really seem to enable a legitimate, simultaneous two-platform environment. Way cool! Now I just need to […]

NYTimes Gets Peek Inside Google’s Search Systems

Perhaps amongst the most closely guarded secrets in the entire tech industry are the algorithms or formulas that include “signals” and “classifiers” that determine a website’s position on Google’s SERP’s (search engine results pages). This Sunday’s New York Times offered one of the clearest behind-the-scenes visits with those who make things happen at the Googleplex […]

Google Audio Ads Ramps Up Radio’s Reach

It’s been widely understood and acknowledged (ever since Google’s January 2006 acquisition of dMarc Advertising) that Google would be launching an interface to sell radio advertising based on it’s widely popular Google AdWords platform. Well, the wait is over. It’s here. Now, anyone with an AdWords account can buy targeted radio advertising via a new […]

What We Call the News: “Only the Truth is Funny”

Happy Monday. I’m on the run, but (as some of you know) what I think matters most about all this new media revolutionary… internet, digital video, and other technologies that are associated with the potential democratization of media (and so forth) is that all of this new media offers an alternative to the media circus […]

New Apple TV Ad

Business 2.0 has a new “get-a-Mac” Apple TV ad before it’s release on a day when Apple stock reached new heights, pre-iPhone’s release (for which surveys are showing a strong demand). Seems it’s a mad, mad new Apple world where the superior platform is even gaining market share.