Entries by JonLeland

Welcoming the Wisdom of Webmaster World

I had the pleasure of spending three days last week at the Las Vegas Convention Center attending “PubCon” or the Webmaster World conference. There’s a lot of information that I intend to share on this blog, but, for openers, I would like to make a bottom line observation: Great Content is Now KingThe old axiom […]

Set Cell Phones Free

The FCC’s upcoming ruling on wireless bandwidth has raised the issues about cell phones and why that bandwidth is so tightly controlled by the giant cell phone companies (like Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, etc.) The Wall Street Journal’s Walt Mossberg explains very clearly why this is VERY WRONG in his column, “Free My Phone” and I […]

Information R/evolution

I love the way these videos from an outpost in academia illuminate information’s revo-evolutionary process. IMHO, the insights are way worthy of reflection. Enjoy and appreciate the disruptive dynamics of our rapidly changing information society…

The Digital Ad Biz Beginning to Sprout & the Seed of an Idea

We are way too early in this to be talking about blossoming, but the sprouts or seeds that are the revolution of the advertising business going totally digital, totally accountable, totally targeted and totally interactive are HUGE! I cover the basics in my internet marketing ebook, and today’s New York Times covered how Microsoft is […]

Digital Photographer Transcends Parkinson’s Disease

A buddy of mine just got written up in our local paper for his talented transcendence of what others view as a disability. In fact, he’s dealing successfully with nothing less than Parkinson’s disease. Why aren’t your photos in a gallery? Read Clear vision, shaky lens: Fairfax photographer hasn’t let Parkinson’s slow him down and […]