Entries by JonLeland

Live from Davos via The Video Web

I’m presuming that most of you know about the World Economic Forum held in Davos each year and attracting a virtual planetary A-list who’s who… from heads of state to Bill Gates & Rupert Murdock to celebs etc. etc. As the video web expands, live person-to-person coverage is becoming quite interesting; and perhaps the best […]

My First Pocket Camera Video is on YouTube

I mentioned that I got a Flip mini-video camera for Christmas: My favorite new gizmo is The Flip (Ultra), a pocket-sized, web-ready video digi-cam. No tape, just 60 mins of MPEG-4 video in Flash memory and a flip-up USB port. This camera is about the size of a pack of cigarettes. It’s easy to use […]

My Virtual CES Report

No, I didn’t go to CES (the consumer electronics mega-convention) in Las Vegas, but here are a few tidbits from the web that I’ve found worthy: Scoble‘s doing Qik videos direct from his cell phone including this interview with the guys from YouTube: And CNET picked this astoundingly innovative and open source BugLabs platform as […]

The Rapid Demise & Eminent Death of Music DRM

Digital Rights Management (or DRM) has been a controversial subject against which I have pontificated for years, starting with the whole Napster thing in 2000. Ironically, in that article, I slammed Edgar Bronfman Jr. who is quoted prominently in this new Businessweek article about Sony BMG being “The last major label (to) throw in the […]

Nintendo Wii Hack Creates 3-D Virtual Reality Head-tracking: Whoa!

I don’t usually cover do-it-yourself techno-hacks, but as far as I’m concerned this is one of the kinds of things that YouTube was invented for. Specifically, here’s an amazingly creative computer guy (a Ph.D. student actually) who has figured out a way to create a true 3-D virtual reality experience by doing a customization (a.k.a. […]

Literacy = Learning (& unlearning)

This quote came today in my email, and I think it makes a nice thought for starting our New Year: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” ~ Alvin Toffler May we all continually reinvent ourselves (regardless of how […]

The Story of Stuff: Powerful, Interactive Online Education & Activism

I certainly don’t want to diminish the enthusiasm of those who are authentically spreading joy by giving gifts, but as someone who has not only been concerned about the environment and the people on our planet for many years, and someone who has been watching various forms of interactive online videos and Flash movies for […]

WordPress Has Become My “Standard” for Blog Websites (thanks in part to Google’s Matt Cutts)

One of the most interesting moments at Webmaster World was the endorsement of WordPress by none other than Google’s Matt Cutts. For those who may not know, Matt has become the wonderfully laid-back and articulate “voice” of Google at Webmaster World. (photo by Andy Beal used under Creative Commons license.) As detailed in the video […]