Entries by JonLeland

The Ultimate Video Blogging Camera?

Hey, I’ve got a birthday coming up. 🙂 But seriously folks, as much as I enjoy the flexibility of my Flip Ultra, this looks like the professional’s on the run camcorder. I still dream of finding the time to do a kind of video blog and this is the kind of tool (and toy) that […]

Video Chat Portal, Seesmic Gets Celebs including Spielberg

I fooled around with the social video site Seesmic–you might think of it as a video chat portal–some time ago, and I found it boring. But now that the likes of Steven Spielberg, Karen Allen and Harrison Ford are posting video clips there too, maybe I should take another look? And here’s a thread you […]

Web 2.0 Expo Provides Snapshot of Rapidly Evolving Next Generation Web

I had the illuminating pleasure of spending a few hours today attending the keynotes and browsing the innovations on the floor at the O’Reilly/TechWeb conference, Web 2.0 Expo SF. These have become quite vibrant affairs with NY, European & (I think) Japanese iterations now on the annual conference schedule. (Keynote photo of John Battelle on […]

Understanding Adobe Air, Mozilla Prism and More

In geek speak, it’s called “computing in the cloud” To most people it’s more clearly understood as using the web browser to deliver experiences and functionalities comparable to desktop applications is expanding by leaps and bounds. The following guest post on TechCrunch by Matthew Gertner explains what’s going on in this space with refreshing clarity, […]

Quality Video Programming is On Now

On my less optimistic days, I feel like we’ve gone from “nothing on” crappy TV programming, to “too much on” kitchen sink internet video programming. But fortunately those days are few because of how much uplifting and inspiring stuff is out there. Recently, rather than bottom feeding, I’ve been top feeding with some of the […]