Entries by JonLeland

Am I Your Go-To Guy? (a self-awakening)

Two client testimonials added up to a wake up call for me personally. Thanks to my willingness to listen, I realized that I have not been positioning myself at all well given the level of my expertise and skill. I realized that I actually am a “go-to guy” who can tell virtually any client of any size company what they should be doing next with regard to their web presence and their internet marketing.

Phenomenal iPhone Photo Website + iPhone App

I love this. I’ve been playing around with iPhone photo editing apps for a month or two, but I just discovered Chase Jarvis’ TheBestCamera.com (as in “the best camera is the one that’s with you”) and now I’m more excited about iPhone photography than ever before. This integrated offering has me really impressed. Not only […]

The Power of the Blog

Even though blogging is currently a very big buzz… a “buzz word du jour” even, I still think it widely misunderstood. So, what’s The Big Idea? First of all, your blog is your home base. If you’re doing social media marketing, it’s the center of your virtual storm. Your Twitter, Facebook and other social media […]