Entries by JonLeland

Google TV Ads, Cisco Feeds MSNBC, & Interactive Marketing Agencies: A Fresh Perspective

Another week, another Tuesday segment on TheTVNews.tv. This week, I aggregated three new online video news stories that I think merit your attention. My video segment is below, and below that are the Google TV Ads video demo, more comments, and links to all the sources. Please let me know what you think. 1. Great […]

Get a Grip on Internet Marketing: It’s a Process

(This commentary originally appeared in the Feb-March edition of ComBridges’ “It’s a Wonderful Web” e-newsletter.) Many people think of Internet marketing as a “thing” or an event. It’s not. It’s a process… an adventure even. Yes, of course, this process requires the generation of content. Whether your content is just what you say on your […]

Am I Your Go-To Guy? (a self-awakening)

Two client testimonials added up to a wake up call for me personally. Thanks to my willingness to listen, I realized that I have not been positioning myself at all well given the level of my expertise and skill. I realized that I actually am a “go-to guy” who can tell virtually any client of any size company what they should be doing next with regard to their web presence and their internet marketing.