Entries by JonLeland

Hits of the Week: Early July 2010

Welcome to a new feature of this blog. “Hits of the Week” (which we hope to offer weekly) will provide “linky goodness” i.e. valuable links posted to our ComBridges company Facebook page and Twitter feed. Here, we gather, in one place for your convenience, bunches of links to free PDF’s, articles and other resources. Please […]

When Old Media Companies Don’t “Get It”

As illuminated in this Wednesday, June 2nd’s New Media New Marketing commentary (starting at 1:58) on TheTVNews.tv, the news article linked right below this paragraph makes me a bit crazy regarding the many broadcasters and entertainment companies that still “don’t get it” about engaged consumers, mash ups and extraordinary value of free, viral (word-of-mouth) promotions. […]

Conan O’Brien Gets “The World Has Completely Changed.” Do You?

(Note: Read & scroll down please. Two [2] cool video clips below…) I gotta love the fact that social media has become so powerful that a TV comedian like Conan O’Brien is having very tangible personal experiences that not only wake him up to the fact that “the world” as he says, “has completely changed.” […]

Online Video is Rockin’ with Measurable Momentum, Increased Ad Spending & More

This week’s New Media New Marketing TheTVNews.tv report (Wednesday, not Tuesday, due to technical issues) covers four recent research reports that underscore the powerful, measurable growth and increasing impact of online video. First, the video report (I’m at the top of this show). Then, all four referenced pieces of research on online video are linked […]

Online marketing & advertising illuminated via a visit to ad:tech SF

As discussed in this Tuesday’s New Media New Marketing report on TheTVNews.tv (video immediately below), I took advantage of a press pass last week to spend a day at the very alive and vibrant ad:tech SF online advertising conference. It was very stimulating as well as a bit overwhelming, as most good conferences are. (Note: […]

Twitter Tools & How to Build More Consumption of Your Media

This Tuesday’s edition of TheTVNews.tv which is shown immediately below, features the links, tools and resources that can be found below the video. Enjoy! Comcast’s TV Everywhere Finds “Interactivity” Doubles Online Video Consumption Beet.tv interview with Karin GIlford, Senior VP Fancast & Online Entertainment, Comcast Twitter + Video = Magic! (And Engagement!) from Marketing Pilgrim […]

Local Newspaper Profiles Jon Leland & TheTVNews.tv

We’re pleased to get some “ink” from the local Tiburon, CA community newspaper, The ARK. The article has garnered some nice positive feedback from my local community as everybody seems to be excited to learn more about technology and today’s rapidly expanding multi-screen media environment. Please click the following link to view the article now […]

iPad Insights: Content Consumption vs Content Creation

My video comments on this Tuesday’s New Media New Marketing report (see video below) on TheTVNews.tv seem to resonate with others, including this online video program’s host as well as a video producer that I met today at the Apple store. Bottom line: Apple’s elegant new device is ideal for media consumption. As to media […]