Entries by JonLeland

Get a Grip on Internet Marketing: It’s a Process

(This commentary originally appeared in the Feb-March edition of ComBridges’ “It’s a Wonderful Web” e-newsletter.) Many people think of Internet marketing as a “thing” or an event. It’s not. It’s a process… an adventure even. Yes, of course, this process requires the generation of content. Whether your content is just what you say on your […]

Am I Your Go-To Guy? (a self-awakening)

Two client testimonials added up to a wake up call for me personally. Thanks to my willingness to listen, I realized that I have not been positioning myself at all well given the level of my expertise and skill. I realized that I actually am a “go-to guy” who can tell virtually any client of any size company what they should be doing next with regard to their web presence and their internet marketing.