Entries by JonLeland

Last Call for Special Savings on LIVE SF Workshop: Mastering the Social Media Marketing Mix!

Here’s the deal… SPECIAL SAVINGS: REGISTER BEFORE APRIL 9th FOR ONLY $59!! (after April 9th: $99.00) This is my “signature” Internet marketing workshop, “Mastering the Social Media Marketing Mix.” On this occasion I’m custom designing to help creative people, performing artists, solo-preneurs & small biz owners to expand their audiences/client base. In addition to the […]

Your Social Media Future: It’s Time to Say YES.

I continue to be amazed by how many professional people still resist social media marketing. In fact, this seems to be one of the main reasons that participants find so much value in my workshop, “Mastering the Social Media Marketing Mix.” The US “premiere” of this workshop will be in San Francisco, next Wednesday, October […]

My 2nd 2011 Social Media Speaking, Workshop Tour of New Zealand Will Energize With Authenticity

I can hardly believe that I’m taking off (“leaving on a jet plane”) this weekend for my second 2011 “tour” speaking and leading workshops throughout New Zealand. I am amazed and delighted that my April, 2011 NZ speaking tour has led to a new batch of “return engagements.” Truthfully, I relish the opportunity to “turn […]

New Custom-Design WordPress Website | Conscious Order

We love delighted clients almost as much as we love delightful clients. Annie Rohrbach—whose new book, “Conscious Order: Clear Your Mind, Leave Clutter Behind“ has just been published—qualifies as both delighted and delightful. ComBridges created an uncluttered design (no surprise there) and implemented the website in WordPress including her new blog and our usual array […]

Meaningful Social Media Marketing and More, in the August Edition of “It’s a Wonderful Web”

Whoah! I’m proud of the new “Super” edition of ComBridges “It’s a Wonderful Web” E-Newsletter that includes links to our latest blog post, announcement of our new “In-House Workshop” offering, details of new Oct 12th SF event (just announced), upcoming New Zealand tour details with a neat MediaSense NZ video, and more. Please check it […]