Entries by JonLeland

Why I Embrace the Morphing Medium of Internet Marketing & Benefit from Major New SEO Trends

There can now be little doubt that one of the most important things you can do to gain search engine visibility for your web pages is to get people to +1 them on Google+. Of course, this speaks once again to the requirement that you create high quality content that people will actually WANT to share.

New Offers: New Kinds of Internet Marketing Support

For the first time, starting next month, September, 2013, I (Jon Leland) will be offering small group coaching sessions on a weekly basis. I’m excited about this format because it will be fun, extremely interactive and will provide “exponential” learning as we share with each other our progress and challenges. During this relatively intimate sessions, […]

The Heart of Online Marketing: My Google Hangout (Video) with Jay Baer

Yes, online marketing does have a heart. It’s the people. In particular, it’s the people who contribute real value by what they do and who understand that what works, more than any particular technique in our New Marketing environment, is authenticity. In fact, Jay Baer’s new book, Youtility says this quite well in it’s sub-title, […]

Webinar Video: Internet Marketing Success in 4 Easy “Booster Rockets”

Last week, we recorded a live webinar as part of the re-launch of New Marketing University (NewMarU.com). I entitled it, “The 4 Booster Rockets of Internet Marketing Success” and we covered four key areas that are high leverage for any small business that wants to expand the effectiveness of its online marketing, including why these strategies […]