Entries by JonLeland

Getting Creative with WordPress Websites, “Small & Big”

We are very pleased to have launched two new WordPress website designs in the last week or so. From an entry level WordPress website that is at the “getting started quickly on a lower budget than we thought we’d ever get from ComBridges” level like the one we just created for Luna Marendi, to a […]

My New Favorite iPad Video App: Adobe Voice

Riding the Wave The major trend in social media marketing that I call “The Visual Web” is becoming increasingly important. Fortunately, I’ve found a new iPad app that makes creating animated videos both FUN and EASY. I like that. 😉 If you still haven’t jumped into creating your own videos and visuals, I’ve got one quickie […]

Learn How Compelling Visual Content Can Increase Your Social Media Marketing ROI

In a blog post over two years ago (see Social Media Goes Visual: Why Pinterest is More Than You Think), I started calling the next frontier of social media marketing, “The Visual Web. This morning, I extended this conversation with a Google Hangout interview with Ekaterina Walter, the author of “The Power of Visual Storytelling.” […]

Video Rant Reveals the Surprising ROI of Leading with Values

I’m turning a corner in my business. I’ve realized that my values are the more important than my (so called) value proposition. And the real eye opener for me was the way that my business coach explained that this approach can actually open up new revenues. Values = $$? Really? This blog post explains the fortuitous […]

Authenticity Rant Video #2: Why “Live Your Own Life” Makes Marketing Matter

There’s more to successful marketing than formulas or even strategy. You need to “Live Your OWN Life” (even if you are a corporation). That’s the subject of this brand new 6-minute video. “Authenticity Rant #2: ‘Live Your OWN Life,’ Why That’s Essential for Marketing.” This is not easy; but in my experience, worth every once of effort that you put into it.

New Video: Authenticity Rant #1, KISS Meets the Meaning Behind Your Brand Messaging

Ease. Fun. Authenticity. These three words summarize what I’m about and what differentiates the most important dimensions of how we serve our clients. Our new focus on these values is a quantum shift for the ComBridges brand. It makes saying “We are a web design company” seem pedestrian. Even my clarity about being “an Internet […]

An Online Video Project That Makes a Difference by Addressing the Crisis in Our Family Courts

There are online video projects… and then there are online video projects that pull at your heart strings because they are so important that they take your work to a more meaningful level. As our new client, Kathleen Russell and I have been saying, “We are not just selling widgets.” 😉 ComBridges’ recent last minute […]

My New Year’s Resolution: Live More Like Steve Jobs

“While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” — Steve Jobs, from the “Think Different” campaign (see video below with Steve’s own voice) Sometimes I’m sleepily drifting, thinking I’m a passenger on the […]