Take the Rein on Your Own Goodness

I promised this blog would get spiritual at some point, and it’s time.

I was inspired and delighted by an article in Shambhala Sun magazine, A Reign of Goodness,” by the American-born Tibetan teacher, Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche, who also happens to be the son of one of my favorite Tibetan teachers and authors, Chogyam Trungpa.

Mipham’s article is remarkable, in my opinion, for it’s suscinct clarity. He describes the “ultimate” in personal confidence as being “certainty in basic goodness” explaining beautifully that we are all basically good and need to nurture that awareness. He expounds profound philosophy in just a few paragraphs. I can’t do this article justice in just a few words. I was surprised to find it published online. Of course, this means that you can easily check it out.

Also, here are links to Mipham’s book on meditation, Turning the Mind into an Ally and his soon to be published book, Ruling Your World: Ancient Strategies for Modern Life. Or, if you have never read Trungpa’s Shambhala: Sacred Path of the Warrior, I consider it a “must read” for those interested in understanding spirituality as it was taught in Tibet. Something to be savored and treasured. Enjoy.

Googlers Gripe Upon Getting Googled

This irony is lost somewhere between “Do what I say, not what I do” and “Do unto others…” It seems that CNET News Googled Google CEO Eric Schmidt and then printed some of what it found. The result? Not praise for creativity, but a promised year of silent shoulder, black out, personna non gratis, “we’re not talking to you anymore” pissy, reactionary, angry, downright un-Google-like behavior. Go figure. Here’s one journal’s rendition of the story.

Haggis on the Origins of Crash

More evidence of what a remarkable movie Crash is… And what a remarkable filmmaker Paul Haggis is… Here’s a personal essay from Haggis telling the story and describing the feelings that inspired the film. Totally congruent and touching. (Thanks, Wade, for the link)

Awesome Flick: “Crash (2005)” Don’t Miss It.

Here’s the rare kind of movie that actually gets under your skin. Crash (2005) is written, produced and directed by Paul Haggis, who was nominated for the Oscar for Best Screenplay Adaptation for Million Dollar Baby. And Haggis is every bit as powerful a director and filmmaker as he is a writer.

This cinematic journey, emblazened by an impeccable ensemble cast who deliver astounding performances (Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon, Thandie Newton, Terrance Howard, and others), takes on the complexly human under-belly of racism as expressed in the lives of a broad cross-section of characters — from Persian immigrants to car-jackers, from the LA District Attorney to an African American TV director, and from a Hispanic locksmith to a number of LA police officers.

Most notably, this is no simplistic morality tale. Bad guys can be good guys (and visa versa). Miracles do sometimes happen. And some people are just angry all the time. I’m grateful for a true artist who can craft a cinematic mirror that reflects life in an scarely honest way. I found this experience especially valuable because Crash is courageous enough to shine its light into places that many of us would prefer to deny exist, but which need our attention… desperately. “This shit ain’t right” and more of us need to say so.

Thank you, Mr. Haggis, for one of the finest films I’ve seen in a long time. Highly recommended!

Podcast Channel Broadens with More Corporate Podcasters (IBM)

This podcast thing is getting interesting enuf 4 me to be planning something coming “real soon”… stay tuned; and meanwhile I guess there’s momentum to consider Apple’s “next generation radio” as an interesting channel for corporate marketing communications. The latest entrant: IBM. And nobody ever got fired for copying IBM, or was that for hiring Microsoft 😉 Read more about the corporate podcast offerings of IBM and others.

Technographics: Techonology “Optimists” Watch Less TV

Forrester Research is reporting, in what may be one of the most comprehensive studies yet on the subject, that among those who feel good about technology (about 1/2 the market which they call “technology optimists”), there’s significantly less TV watching. They also say broadband will continue to grow rapidly (duh), more than doubling by 2010, etc. This is the first I’ve heard of this relatively intuitive distinction between the techno-optimists and pessimists. They also have a category called “tenured nomadic networkers.” Read the Hollywood Reporter summary of the study.